Monday, January 11, 2010

Head cold meets Pau d'Arco

Have a head cold or sinus infection? Well I was feeling miserable yesterday. I tried taking vitamin C and echinecea but was too late. So I had to bring out the heavy stuff. A friend introduced me to Pau d'Arco bark years ago, and I keep it on hand. This stuff is so wonderful and will kill just about anything. You make a tea with it. It is very bitter so you have to sweeten it, but the more you can get down the faster you will get better. You can get it at health food stores.

Bring 1 cup water and 1-2 tablespoons bark to a boil, turn down heat to low, simmer for 20 minutes. Pour into a strainer, lined with a coffee filter or paper towel, set over a cup. Sweeten with orange juice concentrate and honey. Add a little lemon juice and sprinkle with cinnamon. Try to drink a cup morning, afternoon, and evening. If you make a big pan just leave on stove and heat when you need it.

1 comment:

  1. Sharee thanks for posting this. You have told me about this before, but I needed the visual. It's great and I'm putting Pau d'Arco on my list. I love all the great natural ways to help the body heal itself. I know there are other good things that this bark is good for, but I would need to do research.
